Donate to Lassen Family Services
You can help the community by making a contribution.
Your support allows us to expand our programs and services to improve the lives of those in our community. Your gift will help us continue to lift children, women, men and families out of times of crisis and give them a better tomorrow.
Every child deserves to go to the fair and learn how to swim!
Each year we accept donations for the kids in our programs
to receive ride wristbands and pool passes!
If you'd like to donate, please feel free to send a check, drop it off at our office, or donate here!
Please label the donation "fair fund" or "swim fund" depending on what you'd like to sponsor
Mailing address:
P.O. Box 710
Susanville, CA 96130
Physical address:
1306 Riverside Dr.
Susanville, CA 96130
For more information, please contact us at (530)257-4599
Monetary Donations
Item Donation
You can donate to events like
Dancing for a Brand New Me
Or a specific program in our agency
(i.e, domestic violence or CASA)
When donating please specify what you would like funds to go towards.
If you'd prefer to drop off or send a physical check our address and P.O box are listed below
Physical address:
1306 Riverside Dr.
Susanville, Ca 96130
Mailing address:
P.O. Box 710
Susanville, Ca 96130
Lassen Family Services accepts many donation items such as food, clothes, shoes, toiletries, diapers, furniture, electronics and other similar necessities! If you are interested in donating items,
please contact our office at

Thank you in advance to anyone considering donating to our agency.
We are so thankful to be a part of such a giving community!